
    Best Times to Visit Jordan and Trail Opening Seasons

    Best Times to Visit Jordan and Trail Opening Seasons

    Jordan offers a variety of experiences throughout the year, but certain times are better for visiting due to weather, trail availability, and tourist seasons. Here’s an informative guide to help you plan your trip, including when popular trails like Wadi Mujib and Wadi Ghuweir are open.


    Best Times Summary

    The ideal times to visit Jordan are during the spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) when the weather is pleasant and conducive to outdoor activities. These periods also coincide with peak tourist seasons, so plan and book accommodations in advance to avoid higher prices and larger crowds.


    Best Times to Visit Jordan


    Spring (March to May)

    Weather: Temperatures range from 12°C to 27°C (54°F to 81°F).

    High Season: This is one of the peak tourist seasons due to the pleasant weather.

    Activities: Hiking in Wadi Mujib and Wadi Ghuweir, exploring Petra, and enjoying the Dead Sea.

    Note: Hiking trails in Wadi Mujib and Wadi Ghuweir open on April 1st. Ensure to check the local conditions before heading out.

    Events: Dead Sea Ultra Marathon, Amman Jazz Festival.

    Notes: Expect higher prices and larger crowds. Booking accommodation and tours in advance is recommended.


    Autumn (September to November)

    Weather: Temperatures range from 16°C to 32°C (61°F to 89°F).

    High Season: Another peak season with comfortable weather for outdoor activities.

    Activities: Trekking the Jordan Trail, diving in Aqaba, exploring Wadi Rum.

    Events: Petra Desert Marathon, Amman International Film Festival.

    Notes: Similar to spring, prices and tourist numbers are high. Early reservations are advised.


    Winter (December to February)

    Weather: Cooler temperatures range from 8°C to 15°C (46°F to 59°F), with occasional rain.

    Low Season: Fewer tourists, resulting in lower prices and less crowded attractions.

    Activities: Indoor activities in Amman, exploring ancient ruins like Petra and Jerash, and relaxing by the Dead Sea.

    Events: Christmas celebrations, Jerash Festival.

    Notes: Ideal for those looking to avoid crowds, but some trails may be closed due to weather conditions.


    Summer (June to August)

    Weather: Hot, with temperatures ranging from 23°C to 35°C (73°F to 95°F).

    Low Season: The extreme heat deters many tourists, leading to lower prices.

    Activities: Visit cooler regions like Ajloun Forest Reserve, water activities in Aqaba.

    Events: Jerash Festival of Culture and Arts.

    Notes: Outdoor activities can be challenging due to the heat. It’s best to plan activities for early morning or late afternoon.


    June: An Ideal Time to Visit Jordan

    June is an excellent month to visit Jordan. Despite the summer heat, June is considered the low season, offering several advantages:

    Weather: Warm during the day with temperatures around 23°C to 35°C (73°F to 95°F) and a refreshing cold breeze at night.

    Low Season Benefits: Due to fewer tourists, you can enjoy significantly lower prices for hotels and other services.

    Activities: Early morning or late afternoon visits to historical sites like Petra, Wadi Rum, and the Dead Sea. Cooler regions like Ajloun Forest Reserve are also great to explore.

    Events: Jerash Festival of Culture and Arts, featuring various cultural performances and activities.


    Trail Opening Seasons


    Wadi Mujib Trails

    Siq Trail: Open from April 1st to October 31st. This trail includes canyoning, with sections requiring swimming and climbing using ropes. It is closed in winter due to high water levels and the risk of flash floods.

    Malaqi Trail: Open April to October, requiring a guide and featuring a 20-meter waterfall descent.

    Ibex Trail: Open from November 1st to March 31st. This dry trail avoids water crossings and is suitable for winter hiking.


    Wadi Ghuweir Trail

    Opening Season: Best visited from April to October. The trail can be dangerous during the winter months due to potential flash floods. This trail is located in the Dana Biosphere Reserve and offers a stunning hike through a verdant canyon with water flowing year-round in some sections.

    Trail Details: The trail stretches approximately 12.5 km, starting from Al Mansour village and ending at Feynan Ecolodge. It features steep canyon walls, hanging gardens, and palm trees. Always check water levels and weather conditions before embarking on this trail.


    Other Notable Trails in Jordan

    Dana to Petra Trail: Best hiked in spring and autumn for moderate temperatures and clear weather.

    Ajloun Forest Reserve Trails: Open year-round, best enjoyed in spring and autumn when the weather is cooler.


    Tips for Hiking in Jordan

    Safety: Always check weather conditions before hiking, especially in canyons prone to flash floods.

    Gear: Wear appropriate hiking shoes, carry a waterproof bag, and bring plenty of water.

    Guides: Some trails, like the Malaqi Trail, require a guide. Even on self-guided trails, hiring a guide can enhance your experience and provide safety.


    By planning your visit during the optimal times and understanding the trail opening seasons, you can make the most of your adventure in Jordan. Whether you’re hiking through canyons, exploring ancient cities, or relaxing by the Dead Sea, Jordan offers unforgettable experiences for every traveler.


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