Frequently Asked Questions

Is 5 days enough for Jordan?

Yes, 5 days is enough to experience some of the most iconic sites in Jordan. You can visit the ancient city of Petra, float in the Dead Sea, explore the vibrant capital city of Amman, and take in the breathtaking landscapes of Wadi Rum. However, if you want to delve deeper into the culture and visit additional attractions, a longer stay is recommended.

How many days should I spend in Jordan?

The ideal length of stay in Jordan depends on what you want to see and do. For a comprehensive experience that includes major attractions like Petra, the Dead Sea, Wadi Rum, Jerash, and Amman, we recommend spending 7 to 10 days. This allows you to explore at a leisurely pace and fully immerse yourself in the local culture.

What are the must-see attractions in Jordan for a multi-day tour?

For a multi-day tour in Jordan, the must-see attractions include:

Petra: The ancient Nabatean city and UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Wadi Rum: A stunning desert landscape known for its red dunes and rock formations.

Dead Sea: The lowest point on earth, famous for its buoyant, mineral-rich waters.

Amman: The vibrant capital city with historical sites like the Citadel and Roman Theater.

Jerash: One of the best-preserved Roman cities in the world.

What should I pack for a multi-day tour in Jordan?

When packing for a multi-day tour in Jordan, consider the following essentials:

Comfortable walking shoes for exploring historical sites.

Lightweight, breathable clothing for hot days.

Layers and a jacket for cooler evenings, especially in the desert.

Sunscreen, hat, and sunglasses to protect against the sun.

A reusable water bottle to stay hydrated.

Travel adapter for charging electronic devices.

Is it safe to travel to Jordan?

Jordan is generally considered a safe destination for travellers. The country has a stable political environment and is known for its hospitality. As with any travel destination, staying informed about local news and following any travel advisories is advisable. It's also a good idea to respect local customs and dress modestly, particularly in rural areas.

What is the best time of year to visit Jordan?

The best time to visit Jordan is during the spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) when the weather is mild and pleasant. Summers can be hot, particularly in the desert regions, while winters are cooler and can bring rain, especially in the northern parts of the country.


Jordan Multi-Day Tours